Publications and Patents


  1. M. Wang, Q. Gan, D. Wipf, et al.: 4DBInfer: A 4D Benchmarking Toolbox for Graph-Centric Predictive Modeling on RDBs, NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track, accepted.

  2. Y. Lou, Chuan Lei, X. Qin, Z. Wang, C. Faloutsos, R. Anubhai, H. Rangwala: DataLore: can LLM find all lost scrolls in a data repository?, ICDE 2024 Industrial and Applications Track PDF SLIDES

  3. K. Kong, J. Zhang, Z. Shen, B. Srinivasan, Chuan Lei, C. Faloutsos, H. Rangwala, G. Karypis: OpenTab: Advancing Large Language Models as Open-domain Table Reasoners, ICLR 2024 Preprint

  4. V. Meduri, A. Quarmar, Chuan Lei, X. Qin, B. Reinwald: ALFA: Active Learning for Graph Neural Network-Based Semantic Schema Alignment, The VLDB Journal (2023) PDF

  5. X. Hu, S. Wang, X. Qin, Chuan Lei, Z. Shen, C. Faloutsos, A. Katsifodimos, G. Karypis, L. Wen and P. S. Yu: Automatic Table Union Search with Tabular Representation Learning, ACL (Findings) 2023: 3786–3800 PDF

  6. X. Qin, N. Sheikh, Chuan Lei, B. Reinwald, G. Domeniconi: SEIGN: A Simple and Efficient Graph Neural Network for Large Dynamic Graphs, ICDE 2023: 2841-2854 PDF SLIDES POSTER

  7. Chuan Lei, A. Quamar, V. Efthymiou, F. Özcan, R. Alotaibi: HERMES: Data Placement and Schema Optimization for Enterprise Knowledge Bases, The VLDB Journal 32(3), 549–574 (2023) PDF

  8. A. Quamar, V. Efthymiou, Chuan Lei, F. Özcan: Natural Language Interfaces to Data, Foundations and Trends® in Databases: Vol. 11: No. 4, 319-414 PDF

  9. N. Sheikh, X. Qin, B. Reinwald, Chuan Lei: Scaling Knowledge Graph Embedding Models for Link Prediction, EuroMLSys@EuroSys 2022: 87-94 PDF

  10. L. Ma, Chuan Lei, O. Poppe, E. Rundensteiner: Gloria: Graph-based Sharing Optimizer for Event Trend Aggregation, SIGMOD 2022: 1122-1135 PDF SLIDES

  11. J. Hao, Chuan Lei, V. Efthymiou, A. Quamar, F. Özcan, Y. Sun, W. Wang: MEDTO: Medical Data to Ontology Matching Using Hybrid Graph Neural Networks, SIGKDD 2021: 2946-2954 PDF SLIDES

  12. A. Vretinaris, Chuan Lei, V. Efthymiou, X. Qin, F. Özcan: Medical Entity Disambiguation Using Graph Neural Networks, SIGMOD 2021: 2310-2318 PDF SLIDES

  13. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, L. Ma, A. Rozet, E. Rundensteiner: To Share, or not to Share Online Event Trend Aggregation Over Bursty Event Streams, SIGMOD 2021: 1452-1464 PDF SLIDES

  14. F. Özcan, Chuan Lei, A. Quamar, V. Efthymiou: Semantic Enrichment of Data for AI Applications, Invited Paper, 5th DEEM@SIGMOD 2021 PDF SLIDES

  15. S. Ahmetaj, V. Efthymiou, R. Fagin, P. G. Kolaitis, Chuan Lei, F. Özcan, L. Popa: Ontology-Enriched Query Answering on Relational Databases, IAAI 2021: 15247-15254 PDF SLIDES CODE

  16. R. Alotaibi, Chuan Lei, A. Quamar, V. Efthymiou, F. Özcan: Property Graph Schema Optimization for Domain-Specific Knowledge Graphs, ICDE 2021: 924-935 PDF SLIDES

  17. J. Sen, Chuan Lei, A. Quamar, F. Özcan, V. Efthymiou, A. Dalmia, G. Stager, A. Mittal, D. Saha, K. Sankaranarayanan: ATHENA++: Natural Language Querying for Complex Nested SQL Queries, PVLDB 13(11): 2747-2759 (2020) PDF SLIDES DATA

  18. X. Han, L. Hu, J. Sen, Y. Dang, B. Gao, V. Isahagian, Chuan Lei, V. Efthymiou, F. Özcan, A. Quamar, Z. Huang, V. Muthusamy: Bootstrapping Natural Language Querying on Process Automation Data, IEEE SCC 2020: 170-177 PDF

  19. A. Rozet, O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, E. Rundensteiner: Muse: Multi-query Event Trend Aggregation, CIKM 2020: 2193-2196 (Best Short Paper Award) PDF SLIDES

  20. F. Özcan, A. Quamar, J. Sen, Chuan Lei, V. Efthymiou: State of the Art and Open Challenges in Natural Language Interfaces to Data, SIGMOD 2020 (Tutorial): 2629-2636 PDF SLIDES

  21. A. Quamar, Chuan Lei, D. Miller, F. Özcan, J. Kreulen, R. J. Moore, V. Efthymiou: An Ontology-Based Conversation System for Knowledge Bases. SIGMOD 2020: 361-376 PDF SLIDES
    Authors are listed in alphabetical order by authors' first names.

  22. Chuan Lei, V. Efthymiou, R. Geis and F. Özcan: Expanding Query Answers on Medical Knowledge Bases. EDBT 2020: 567-578 PDF SLIDES

  23. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and D. Maier: Event Trend Aggregation Under Rich Event Matching Semantics. SIGMOD 2019: 555-572 PDF SLIDES

  24. J. Sen, F. Özcan, A. Quamar, G. Stager, A. Mittal, M. Jammi, Chuan Lei, D. Saha, K. Sankaranarayanan: Natural Language Querying of Complex Business Intelligence Queries. SIGMOD 2019: 1997-2000 PDF, POSTER

  25. Chuan Lei, F. Özcan, A. Quamar, et al.: Ontology-Based Natural Language Query Interfaces for Data Exploration. Invited Paper, IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 41(3): 52-63 (2018) PDF

  26. O. Poppe, A. Rozet, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and D. Maier: Sharon: Shared Online Event Sequence Aggregation. ICDE 2018: 737-748 PDF SLIDES

  27. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and D. Maier: GRETA: Graph-based Real-time Event Trend Aggregation. PVLDB 11(1): 80-92 (2018) PDF SLIDES

  28. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, S. Ahmed, and E. A. Rundensteiner: Complete Event Trend Detection in High-Rate Event Streams. SIGMOD 2017: 109-124 PDF SLIDES

  29. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, et al.: CAESAR: Context-Aware Event Stream Analytics for Urban Transportation Services. EDBT 2017: 590-593 PDF

  30. Z. Zhuang, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and M. Y. Eltabakh: PRO: Preference-Aware Recurring Query Optimization. CIKM 2016: 2191-2196 PDF POSTER

  31. M. Ray, Chuan Lei, and E. A. Rundensteiner: Scalable Pattern Sharing over Event Streams. SIGMOD 2016: 495-510 PDF SLIDES

  32. M. Ray, Chuan Lei, and E. A. Rundensteiner: SPASS: Scalable Event Stream Processing Leveraging Sharing Opportunities. Invited Poster, DEBS 2016: 336-339 PDF POSTER

  33. O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and D. Dougherty: Context-aware Event Stream Analytics. EDBT 2016: 425-436 PDF SLIDES

  34. E. A. Rundensteiner, O. Poppe, Chuan Lei, et al.: Exploiting Sharing Opportunities for Real-time Complex Event Analytics. Invited Paper, IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 38(4): 82-93 (2015) PDF

  35. Chuan Lei, Z. Zhuang, E. A. Rundensteiner, and M. Y. Eltabakh: Shared Execution of Recurring Workloads in MapReduce. PVLDB 8(7): 714-725 (2015) PDF

  36. Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and M. Y. Eltabakh: Redoop: Supporting Recurring Queries in Hadoop. EDBT 2014: 25-36 PDF

  37. Chuan Lei, Z. Zhuang, E. A. Rundensteiner, and M. Y. Eltabakh: Redoop Infrastructure for Recurring Big Data Queries. PVLDB 7(13): 1589-1592 (2014) PDF

  38. Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner: Robust Distributed Query Processing for Streaming Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 39(2):17 (2014) PDF

  39. Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and J. D. Guttman: Robust Distributed Stream Processing. ICDE 2013: 817-828 PDF

  40. R. Nehme, K. Works, Chuan Lei, E. A. Rundensteiner, and E. Bertino: Multi-route query processing and optimization. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 79(3):312-329 (2013) PDF


  1. AutoDoc: Concise and Consistent/Dependable Table Description Generation
    Patent US App. 18/519,373, 2023

  2. Automatic Related Table Discovery in Data Lakes
    Patent US App. 18/478,732, 2023

  3. Item Attribute Determination Using a Co-Engagement Graph
    Patent US App. 17/935,916, 2022

  4. Directly Identifying Items From an Item Catalog Satisfying a Received Query Using a Model Determining Measures of Similarity Between Items in the Item Catalog and the Query
    Patent US App. 17/542,491, 2021

  5. Hybrid Graph Neural Network
    Patent US App. 17/161,093, 17/161,152, 2021

  6. Guided Exploration for Conversational Business Intelligence
    Patent US App. 17/188,405, 2021

  7. Entity Disambiguation Using Graph Neural Networks
    Patent US App. 17/130,107, 2020

  8. Reducing Response Time for Queries Directed to Domain-Specific Knowledge Graph using Property Graph Schema Optimization
    US Patent 11,157,467, 2021

  9. Query Relaxation Using External Domain Knowledge for Query Answering
    US Patent 11,841,867, 2019

  10. Ontology-based Data Storage for Distributed Knowledge Bases
    Patent US App. 16/594,391, 2019